What to Consider Before Buying a Puppy!

english Oct 05, 2024

There’s so much more to consider when buying a puppy than just how cute they are. Making an informed decision is key to ensuring both you and your future dog live a happy, healthy life. Here are some important points to think about before you bring a new puppy home:


  1. Choose the Right Breed for Your Lifestyle
    It’s essential to find a breed that fits your lifestyle and living situation. Speaking with a knowledgeable dog instructor can help you find a breed that aligns with your daily routine and personal preferences. Choosing the wrong breed can lead to issues—not just for you, but also for the dog.


  1. Understand the Breed’s Health Risks
    Every breed has potential health issues, so it’s crucial to learn about the diseases and ailments commonly associated with your chosen breed. Ensure the breeder has performed all the necessary health screenings on the parent dogs to minimize the risk of health problems in the puppies. While even good breeders may occasionally have a puppy with physical issues, they should have taken proper precautions to ensure the best possible health.


  1. Research Physical Traits
    Each breed has its own set of physical traits and potential weaknesses. While there’s no way to guarantee how a puppy will turn out, studying the parent dogs can give you insight into what to expect. This can help you avoid unwanted traits.


  1. Choose a Reputable Breeder
    It’s important to find breeders who prioritize health and ethical breeding practices. When I was searching for a puppy, I asked potential breeders many questions, ruling out any that had a history of issues like OCD or hip dysplasia in their puppies. Meet the parent animals in person if possible and ensure the breeder has taken all necessary health precautions.


  1. Get References
    Speak to other dog owners who have purchased puppies from the same breeder to ensure the process went smoothly and that the dogs are healthy. If you’re buying a working dog, ask how the puppies have performed in their respective sports.


  1. Check National Registries
    Use national registries to research the parent animals' EBV (Estimated Breeding Values) and health status. For conditions like hip dysplasia, looking at the overall lineage is just as important as checking the individual dogs. This is one of the reasons I recommend purchasing purebred puppies—mixed-breed dogs can be more unpredictable in terms of health.


  1. Prepare for the Puppy
    If possible, visit the puppy multiple times before bringing them home. Make sure you have enough time to properly care for the puppy, especially in its early stages. Consider taking a puppy course to help build a strong foundation for your relationship and training.


Remember, responsible dog ownership starts with the choices we make before bringing a puppy into our lives. By making informed decisions, we can help ensure a better future for our dogs and promote ethical breeding practices.


Have a nice day!


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